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Atlantic House Balanced Return Fund

The Atlantic House Balanced Return Fund aims to deliver positive returns over the medium to long term across a range of market conditions, with around half to two thirds the volatility of equity markets


Why consider this fund?

The Fund seeks to deliver:

Optimised Multi-Asset Solution

The fund provides exposure to characteristics of bonds and equities and aims to optimise these allocations with the use of derivatives. In so doing, the fund can provide a lower risk of capital loss than an equivalent investment in bonds and equities, and provide a more predictable journey for investors.

Dedicated to managing your investment

What does the Fund invest in?

The Fund combines exposure to traditional assets with modern investment techniques to build a robust and diverse portfolio, aiming to achieve its objective across a wide range of market conditions.



Equity - 60%

The Fund's equity exposure is the engine room of the portfolio, aiming to drive predictable returns from derivative-based investments linked to the performance of global equity indices. 


Fixed Income - 40%

Combines systematic dynamic fixed income with inflation, offering a solution for fixed income that provides diversification to equity across multiple inflationary environments. Using derivatives allows access to inflation without the duration, providing further diversification potential to traditional fixed income exposure.


Overlaying the equity sleeve, crash protection provides diversification to equity during periods of severe market stress. This could be thought of as an airbag in a car, you shouldn't see or feel the protection unless there is a crash.

Performance as at 30 April 2024

Past performance does not predict future returns.

The Fund is not managed or constrained by a specific benchmark, instead the managers focus solely on investments that they believe will achieve the Fund’s objective. Performance for the Fund can however be compared to the benchmark: Investment Association (IA) Targeted Absolute Return Sector.

Discrete Annual Performance (%) 

Source: Atlantic House Investments/FE Analytics. Total Return in GBP.  

Cumulative Performance (%)

Source: Atlantic House Investments/FE Analytics. Total Return in GBP.  

Calendar Year Performance (%)

Source: Atlantic House./FE Analytics. Total Return in GBP.

Key fund risks

This is not a comprehensive list of every risk factor. You can view the full list in the Risk Warning section of the Prospectus, Supplement and Key Investor Information Document above.

  • The Fund’s returns will not keep pace with strong rises in equity markets.

  • The value of investments and any income from them can go down in value, and you could get back less than invested.

  • There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its objective.

  • The Fund invests in derivatives.  Derivatives are highly sensitive to changes in the value of the asset from which their value is derived. A small movement in the value of the underlying asset can cause a large movement in the value of the derivative. This can increase the sizes of losses and gains, causing the value of a derivative investment to fluctuate and the Fund could lose more than the amount invested. 

  • The Fund invests in high quality government and corporate bonds. All bonds will be rated at least A- by Standard and Poors at outset. If any of the bonds the Fund owns suffer credit events the performance of the Fund could be adversely affected.

  • The Fund may invest in securities and markets which experience specific risks due to increased volatility, liquidity, political and economic stability.

  • Other risks the Fund is exposed to include but are not limited to, credit, custodial and counterparty risk, possible changes in exchange rates, interest rates and inflation, changing expectations of future market volatility, changing expectations of equity market correlation and changing dividend expectations.

Fund information

as at 30 April 2024

Objective: To generate positive returns in most market conditions over any given three-year period.

Launch date: 5 December 2018

Fund size: £47mn    

Comparator Benchmark: IA Targeted Absolute Return Sector

Minimum investment: £1,000

Dealing: Daily

Ongoing Charges (OCF): 0.75% (estimated)

Manager: Gemini Capital Management (Ireland) Limited 

Domicile: Dublin, Ireland

Fund Identifiers:  A share class: SEDOL: BDZQTC8, ISIN: IE00BDZQTC81, BLOOMBERG: AHFMTAA ID


7IM,  Abrdn, Advance by embark, Aegon, Aviva, Fidelity, FNXZ, M&G  Wealth, Novia, Novia Global, Nucleus, Quilter, Raymond James, Transact

Important information

  • This is a marketing communication.

  • A copy of the English version of the Supplement, the Prospectus, and any other offering document and the KIID can also be viewed at  A summary of investor rights associated with an investment in the Fund is available in English at

  • A decision may be taken at any time to terminate the arrangements for the marketing of the Fund in any jurisdiction in which it is currently being marketed. Shareholders in affected EEA Member State will be notified of any decision marketing arrangements in advance and will be provided the opportunity to redeem their shareholding in the Company free of any charges or deductions for at least 30 working days from the date of such notification.

This website is issued by Atlantic House Group Limited (Registered no:  09770730) and its subsidiary, Atlantic House Investments Limited (registered no:11962808.  Both are private limited companies registered in England and Wales. Registered Office:  One Eleven Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HU. Atlantic House Group Limited (FRN: 719605) and  Atlantic House Investments Limited (FRN: 931264) are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 

Please refer to the Detailed Disclaimer,  Privacy Policy and Website Terms of Use for more detailed information.



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This website is exclusively for experienced UK professional/institutional investors and advisers - private investors should contact their Professional Financial Adviser or Wealth Manager.

Capital is at risk. This site contains marketing communications. You should carefully consider the risks of investing in the relevant legal documents before investing. There is no guarantee that an investment will achieve its objective.   

Indicative pricing or valuations throughout the site do not represent a firm bid or offer, or value and does not commit the Atlantic House Group of companies to any transaction and may vary significantly from any firm price quotations and values.

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