Atlantic House Defined Returns Fund
The Atlantic House Defined Returns Fund aims to deliver predictable, long-term annualised returns of 7%-8% in all but the bleakest market conditions.
Is now the right time to buy, sell or hold the Atlantic House Defined Returns Fund? We've adopted an investors perspective to critically review the fund, which celebrates its 10 year anniversary this month. Read the balanced exploration:

Key Fund Documents
The Atlantic House Defined Returns Fund aims to deliver predictable, long-term annualised returns of 7% in all but the bleakest market conditions
Find out how the Fund is likely to perform in different market scenarios
Using the slider below, select where you think the market will be over 3 months, 1, 2 and 3 years. The chart will show the Fund's estimated future performance in your chosen scenarios, helping you to guide your clients throughout the investment journey and plan more effectively.
This estimate of future performance is based on current derivative market conditions and are not an exact or reliable indicator. What you get will vary depending on how the market performs and how long you keep the investment. More details can be found in "What am I looking at in this chart?"

What am I looking at in this chart? We use mathematical models to estimate what we expect to happen to the values of investments in the fund in certain market scenarios. Specifically, in scenarios that look forward in time and consider an equity market move, we assume: All equity markets move in tandem, so for example, an up 10% move would imply an identical up 10% move in all equity market indexes. Dividend expectations – these are modelled to remain the same as a percentage of equity prices – so in monetary amounts they will go up and down with equity market moves. Borrowing costs/lending fees – some market participants can earn money from owning an asset by lending it to someone else. The expectation of these costs/fees impacts on the pricing of the defined return investments modelled to remain the same as a percentage of equity prices. Interest rates: interest rate expectations remain the same into the future as they are now – so for example, in a forward-looking scenario, interest rate expectations for 3 months from then, are assumed to be the same as interest rate expectations for 3 months from now. Volatility: market volatility expectations (how variable equity prices are expected to be, and what sort of variability is expected) expectations remain the same into the future as they are now – so for example, in a forward-looking scenario, volatility expectations for 3 months from then, are assumed to be the same as volatility expectations for 3 months from now. We try to make minimal assumptions around events: defined return investments are assumed not to call between now and the scenario date; if the scenario date is after the maturity date of a defined return, then the expiry value is calculated assuming the last price of its underlying reflects the equity market move in the scenario. Other factors that could affect market prices are assumed not to move. This will include things like: foreign exchange rates, asset swap spreads (that is, how much the market is willing to pay to receive cash flows that duplicate those from a particular investment), liquidity premia (how much the market is willing to pay or penalise for an asset that is hard to trade), bid/offer spreads (the difference between buying and selling prices for an asset). In addition there are some things we expect to happen that are not factored in: the defined return investments held in the portfolio will not call in the period between now and the scenario date, ongoing costs and charges to the fund, management actions (for example, buying a new defined returns investment once a previous one has matured or called). Historically, despite these limitations and caveats the modelling has been largely accurate and we believe the modelling shows useful and insightful information, indeed it is one of the tools the fund managers use to manage the fund. It should be noted that the fund’s actual returns may differ from the estimates shown.
Although the fund has a medium to long term objective to deliver an annualised return of 7-8% over the long-term, the scenario analysis is calculated over shorter time periods for greater accuracy.
The Fund’s actual returns may differ from the estimates shown above and are subject to daily price movement. Future performance may also be subject to taxation, that could change in the future. The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount invested.
Dedicated to managing your investment
What does the Fund invest in?
The Fund aims to deliver its predictable outcomes by investing in derivatives linked to large, liquid equity indices. These derivatives are backed by investment grade sovereign and corporate bonds, predominantly UK gilts, aiming to minimise credit risk.

Performance as at 30 April 2024
Past performance does not predict future returns.
The Fund is not managed or constrained by a specific benchmark, instead the managers focus solely on selecting investments that they believe will achieve the Fund’s objective. Performance for the Fund can however be compared to the benchmark: Solactive United Kingdom 100 Net Total Return Index (UK large Caps), Solactive US Large Cap Index (US Large Caps) and Solactive Euro 50 Net Total Return Index (European Large Caps).
Discrete Annual Performance (%)
Source: Atlantic House/ Solactive as at 30/04/2024 in GBP. UK Large Cap: Solactive United Kingdom 100 Index (Net Total Return), US Large Cap: Solactive US Large Cap Index (Net Total Return) and Euro Large Cap: Solactive Euro 50 Index (Net Total Return). Fund: B Shares, Total Return.
Cumulative Performance (%)
Source: Atlantic House/Solactive as at 30/04/2024 in GBP. UK Large Cap: Solactive United Kingdom 100Index (Net Total Return), US Large Cap: Solactive US Large Cap Index (Net Total Return) and Euro Large Cap: Solactive Euro 50 Index (Net Total Return). Fund: B Shares, Total Return. Fund Launch : 4 November 2013.
Calendar Year Performance (%)
Source: Atlantic House/ Solactive as at 30/04/2024 in GBP. UK Large Cap: Solactive United Kingdom 100 Index (Net Total Return), US Large Cap: Solactive US Large Cap Index (Net Total Return) and the Euro Large Cap: Solactive Euro 50 Index (Net Total Return). Fund: B Shares, Total Return.
Average cover to capital loss as at 30 April 2024: 40.30%
The Fund’s performance is linked to large equity indices. Based on investments held on the date stated above, the average cover to capital loss figure shows the approximate average level those indices could fall before capital is at risk.
Estimated Future Returns
The table below shows the estimated future returns for the Fund over a range of falling, flat or rising market conditions and over different time periods. Although the Fund has a medium to long-term objective to deliver an annualised return of 7%-8% over the long term, the scenario analysis is calculated over shorter term periods for greater accuracy. The scenarios presented are an estimate of future performance based on current derivative market conditions and are not an exact indicator. What you get will vary depending on how the market performs and how long you keep the investment
Source: Atlantic House as at 30/04/2024.
Class I Distribution – 4% GBP
Source: Atlantic House
Class I Distribution – 5% GBP
Source: Atlantic House
Investors who receive distributions from the Fund should be aware that these payments are made from capital, this will limit the potential for capital growth.
Key fund risks
This is not a comprehensive list of every risk factor. You can view the full list in the Risk Warning section of the Prospectus, Supplement and Key Investor Information Document here.

The Fund’s returns will not keep pace with strong rises in equity markets.
The value of investments and any income from them can go down in value, and you could get back less than invested.
There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its objective.
The Fund invests in derivatives. Derivatives are highly sensitive to changes in the value of the asset from which their value is derived. A small movement in the value of the underlying asset can cause a large movement in the value of the derivative. This can increase the sizes of losses and gains, causing the value of a derivative investment to fluctuate and the Fund could lose more than the amount invested.
The Fund invests in high quality government and corporate bonds. All bonds will be rated at least A- by Standard and Poors at outset. If any of the bonds the Fund owns suffer credit events the performance of the Fund could be adversely affected.
Other risks the Fund is exposed to include but are not limited to, credit and counterparty risk, possible changes in exchange rates, interest rates and inflation, changing expectations of future market volatility, changing expectations of equity market correlation and changing dividend expectations.
Fund information
as at 30 April 2024
Objective: To generate capital growth in the value of its shares over the medium to longer term.
Launch date: 4 November 2013
Fund size: £2.0bn
Comparator Benchmark: Solactive United Kingdom 100 Net Total Return Index, Solactive US Large Cap Index and the Solactive Euro 50 Net Total Return Index
Dealing: Daily
Manager: Gemini Capital Management (Ireland) Limited
Domicile: Dublin, Ireland
Aberdeen, Aegon, Ascentric, Aviva, CoFunds, Elevate, Fidelity, FNXZ, Hubwise, James Hay, Novia, Novia Global, Nucleus, Pershing, Raymond James, Transact
Share Class Information
Important Information
This is a marketing communication.
A copy of the English version of the Supplement, the Prospectus, and any other offering document and the KIID can also be viewed at A summary of investor rights associated with an investment in the Fund is available in English at
A decision may be taken at any time to terminate the arrangements for the marketing of the Fund in any jurisdiction in which it is currently being marketed. Shareholders in affected EEA Member State will be notified of any decision marketing arrangements in advance and will be provided the opportunity to redeem their shareholding in the Company free of any charges or deductions for at least 30 working days from the date of such notification.
The Fund is not sponsored, promoted, sold or supported in any other manner by Solactive AG nor does Solactive AG offer any express or implicit guarantee or assurance either with regard to the results of using the Index and/or Index trademark or the Index Price at any time or in any other respect. The Index is calculated and published by Solactive AG. Solactive AG uses its best efforts to ensure that the Index is calculated correctly. Irrespective of its obligations towards the issuer, Solactive AG has no obligation to point out errors in the Index to third parties including but not limited to investors and/or financial intermediaries of the Fund. Neither publication of the Index by Solactive AG nor the licensing of the Index trademark for the purpose of use in connection within the Fund constitutes a recommendation by Solactive AG to invest capital in said Fund nor does it in any way represent an assurance or opinion of Solactive AG about any investment in this Fund.