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Investment approach

We aim to help clients solve their investment challenges using a systematic approach based on analytical modelling, a forensic understanding of risk and a heritage rooted in derivative-based investing. We believe this combination offers the best possible opportunity to deliver realistic, predictable and clearly defined investment outcomes for our clients.

We know markets are unpredictable, so we don’t try to guess how they will move based on the latest fads, changing policies or get panicked into reacting to short term noise. Instead, we focus on our clients’ long-term financial goals and shape our investments accordingly. 

We aim to achieve a specific outcome, like many institutional and pension fund investors, we  use derivative-based investments to precisely isolate the risk/return profiles we need to meet our clients’ investment goals.

Our unique heritage and expertise in derivative-based investing, purpose-built analytical risk models and rigorous stress testing helps us understand how each fund, mandate or solution is likely to perform in different market scenarios. 

We are convinced that by focusing on predictable outcomes we are in the strongest position to help our clients shape a better financial future.  

Our Investment Team

By focusing on outcomes, our team of investment experts take a disciplined approach to investing, using the transparency, precision, liquidity and flexibility of derivatives to improve decision making and increase the probability of meeting our clients’ investment goals.

This website is issued by Atlantic House Group Limited (Registered no:  09770730) and its subsidiary, Atlantic House Investments Limited (registered no:11962808.  Both are private limited companies registered in England and Wales. Registered Office:  One Eleven Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2HU. Atlantic House Group Limited (FRN: 719605) and  Atlantic House Investments Limited (FRN: 931264) are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 

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This website is exclusively for experienced UK professional/institutional investors and advisers - private investors should contact their Professional Financial Adviser or Wealth Manager.

Capital is at risk. This site contains marketing communications. You should carefully consider the risks of investing in the relevant legal documents before investing. There is no guarantee that an investment will achieve its objective.   

Indicative pricing or valuations throughout the site do not represent a firm bid or offer, or value and does not commit the Atlantic House Group of companies to any transaction and may vary significantly from any firm price quotations and values.

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